
Eagle Operation Family
Family & Friends of American PTSD Veterans
"A nation-wide collective
of individuals and families
dedicated to quality
treatment for all Veterans
and their families"

VA Benefits
JFK encouraged commitment and sacrifice when he said,
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
How many young people answered his call and are still
paying for their commitment to this country?
How many still suffer the agony of war?
Veitnam Veterans Home Page

Our Goals...
  • Improved health care for veterans in both in-patient and out patient settings for PTSD and chemical dependency.
  • Increase the number of locations and the time for in-patient care.
  • Ease entrance into psychiatric wards for veterans in crises.
  • Make treatment available in all areas for individual family members and treatment for the family as a whole.
  • Humanize the application process for approving PTSD claims. Veterans already traumatized by war are further injured by the application and claims process.
  • Meet in DC this Veterans Day and have our voices heard in both Houses of Congress, the White House, the DVA and on the Mall...

PTSD- Ghosts of War...
Many Vietnam Veterans and those who fought in wars before and since, have not healed. Their families suffer from a war that took place in a distant land, often years before their birth. Countless veterans from all wars suffer from a debilitating disorder known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  Vets Sound Off...
New Beginnings... For many veterans, even though the war continues to haunt their nights, they have found a way of life. Their lives need to give them freedom from crowds and often a chance to reflect on the meaning of life...Whatever your thoughts, feel free to post them here...
Family & Friends...
You are not alone. There is comfort in knowing this. Knowledge is power, knowledge is understanding... Exchanging stories, helpful coping strategies, or finding a friend to talk to who knows... We can help them by helping ourselves.
  Medical Disability & Benefits...
Many veterans have filed for disability for their PTSD only to be harmed by the process. We hope to reduce the stress for individuals who are disabled and entitled to care from the government they served by providing help from those who have successfully been through it, and by providing links to other helpful sites.
Inspirational Thoughts...
If you like poetry, if you find religion helpful, if you need something to lift your spirits or have something to post that will lift someone else's...
"Restorative justice is focused on restoring the personhood that is damaged or lost..restoring that sense of self means restoring memory..a recognition that what happened to you..happened to you. You are not crazy. Something seriously evil happened to you and the nation believes you. That acknowledgement is crucial if healing is to go on and if the undercurrents of conflict are not to be left simmering..."
-Archbishop Desmond Tutu-


"The primary purpose of this organization shall be to advocate for veterans with Combat PTSD and their families. This advocacy shall include public outreach, information, and education; education and information services to veterans with a diagnosis of PTSD or veterans suspected of having PTSD, and their families; information about proposed legislation and policies which will affect the veterans and their families, including health care and other treatment services and benefits."
For support please visit... PTSD 101. Join the forum and find new friends and maybe some old your questions there, and if you have any advice to share, please stop by.

Author: Lee Anna Steubing
Editors: Lee Anna Steubing & Juli Vaughn
Site Design: Jewel Designs

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