"A nation-wide collective of individuals and families dedicated to quality treatment for all Veterans and their families" |
I would like to go back to The Wall, I have only been there once and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done and it was with a group from my Vet Center. There is a lot of pain there as well as a feeling of peace at the same time. You want to run and hide for you feel that you let them down by coming home and at the same time you can feel them watching over you telling you they understand and hope that you find peace with your self.
So many conflicting feelings and the doors in your mind that are locked can open and overwhelm you from the rush of emotion that you feel. It can panic you or make you freeze where you are with tears of sorrow and joy and pray that they are in a better place; sometimes you feel like you want to join them but you hear a whisper in your mind almost as if they know what you are thinking and they let you know that it is not your time yet.
The names of all the ones who have died since the war are not etched in the stone but you can feel their presence also with their friends that they left behind, and while you are there the force from all of them is felt so strong as if they are all saying it's all right.
It helps to ease the pain but for a while. I think that they are with us always trying to help, but we just have trouble hearing them for we try to block out so much, but they do their best to look after us and care for us as much as we care for them. If we would only stop and listen carefully we could probably hear them trying to reach out and help us find some peace, for they know we will join them some day when the time is right and we don't need to rush to get there for they will be waiting for us and helping us until it is time.
home is where my heart is
this is where I should be
but I sit here tonight
not remembering my home
but remembering the enemy
home should be a safe place
this is where I should be
but I am in my bunker
being safe from my family
home is where I used to be
now I live in agony
please tell me what happened to me
I only want to defend my country
home is where I will never be
because my country has learned to hate me
now in my mind I live in that other country
as I sit here tonight I wonder who was my enemy
and in what country that would be
Going to war was not a fun place. Your mind would take over Now you have graduated
When you got older Leonard Doty copyright by author L. Doty 1998 |
Maybe someday I can get up in the morning and feel good about myself. Maybe someday I won't need drugs to get to sleep. Maybe someday after I get out of bed I have had a full nights sleep. Maybe someday after the full nights sleep I can say I did not have a bad dream. Maybe someday I can walk down the street and say hi to my neighbors and know that they don't think I am a mad baby killer. Maybe someday I can hold my head up and look everyone in the eye and feel good about it. Maybe someday I can have friends. Maybe someday I can trust someone again. Maybe someday I can have a normal sex life. Maybe someday I won't have a look of death on my face and in my eye. Maybe someday I won't scare everyone I look at. Maybe someday I won't have memories and ghosts. Maybe someday there will be no pain. Maybe someday I won't need the VA. Maybe someday I won't have to sit in the corner of the room. Maybe someday I can just sit down and talk to someone. Maybe someday I can get rid of all my guns I sleep with. Maybe someday I can have a day that I don't think about Vietnam.. Maybe someday my life will be over and none of this will have happened.. Maybe someday nobody will ever know we were.... copyright by author L. Doty, 1998 |